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If you've stumbled across this page, welcome to "Some idiot bashes their head against a wall over and over again until they figure out how to draw."

I've set such an incredibly high standard for myself by posting one of my very best artworks as a beginner so now I'm playing catch-up trying to get to that high. But I started out quite bad. Really bad. So bad I'm not quite sure how I managed to learn to write legible things.

Many people say they never truly drew, but they'll say they drew as a kid. That experience adds up. But I never had it. I had my "Draw the %#&$'ing Owl" moment at the end of elementary school, where one of the "How to Draw" books showed a similar procedure, super simplified short step-by-step where they skip explaining anything and as a very analytical kid when you follow the instructions and it looks nothing the same, and think you followed them correctly, the only logical assumption is "I can't do it."

Flash forward over a decade and on a whim of "how tf did like, the old masters of art figure all this stuff out when we need computers and stuff and we're barely figuring out art" and I go on a binge of the history of art, rekindle an interest in a passion I could never understand, and the will to try once again.

But this would be unlike any other half-baked attempt in the years leading up to it. We're pulling out the big guns. Research. Tutorials. The Scientific Method. The whole nine yards. It's time to do the impossible. My self-proclaimed "I am the worst artist" purely because it was so hard to find people worse than me. You start to appreciate other's control of proportions when your stuff looks like you accidentally un-ticked "keep aspect ratio" when resizing something. We got the lanky stickmen. Or more accurately, that was all I could draw. Or so I told myself at the time.

I started seriously drawing at the end of April 2021. The grind began. I probably wouldn't have continued, and would have ended up dropping the grind within two weeks if it wasn't for inspirations like Kim Jung Gi and Akihito Yoshitomi. Seriously, I legit shed a single tear when I saw Yoshitomi in action. Without saying a single word it felt like I was conveyed all the information in the world. However I was such a super novice that I could barely grasp the truths that were being conveyed to me. Only a surface level understanding, but one that stuck with me, the idea that things could be simplified in a way that made sense and be easy to reproduce.

It's been a while since then. Progress seemingly slowed down but I stuck with it. It's a long road but one I've been on. I've been documenting everything I've learned and resources I found useful, and if that ever becomes useful information to someone else, I'll probably make a how-to video, but that's such a big hypothetical that I'll ever get good enough that would warrant such a thing, so I don't see it in the foreseeable future.

Wrote this because I realized I didn't have a proper explanation of what this even is.

This is essentially my main base of art operations now.

Everywhere else is wacky to some degree and Newgrounds is openly against AI Art so I know it's a safe haven and also this website was based, remains based, and will most likely continue to be based in the future.

As for what I post, really it could be anything at the moment but if it wasn't obvious I have a severe case of DELTARUNE brainrot. Seriously. Undertale completely knocked me off the floor years ago and Deltarune is in the progress of transforming my psyche as Mr. Fox releases Fiction 2.

I'm most likely to post fanart of stuff I'm into, commissions if I ever decide to open them way later down the line, and maybe NSFW content once I get to a certain level of drawing proficiency, later down the line. If you're reading this like... years from now and concerned about seeing that stuff, remember that Newgrounds lets you filter with content ratings. Such a good system - why don't more websites do stuff like that.

If you read all this in it's entirety you deserve a gold star, and a good rest of your day.

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